Know Your Local Council Regulations Before You Buy

Buying a property is an exciting and daunting proposition at the same time for most homebuyers, especially if you buy a home with the intention of doing it up yourself. Every local council in Australia has their own rules regarding additions and renovations in the home, so make sure you’re aware of them before you buy in certain suburbs.


Understand Building and Planning Permits For Your Home

Carrying out building work is extremely satisfying, but it’s important that you are aware of local permits before undertaking any work in your home. This will help you avoid any costly fines in the future. Building permits are usually related to undertaking specific tasks like building and patio construction. A planning permit is a legal permission document for land development or use and will need to be acquired from your local council. If you need a planning permit for undertaking any specific construction activities on your property, then you must get it before you can get the building permit. You can apply for both permits simultaneously to save time.


Know Your Exemptions

Several types of home renovations and minor construction projects don’t require any specific certifier or council approvals, so you will be exempted from acquiring these permits. You will need to comply with certain standards and regulations to be exempted from permits. The policy for exempt and complying construction can be found on the NSW Legislation website. Before undertaking any renovation work, be sure to check whether it requires permission to avoid any expensive mistakes and fines later.


Check Whether Your Property Has Special Rules

Some properties fall under different rules and regulations. If your property is listed in the following categories, then you’ll want to check with your local council about the specific planning controls that apply to you.

If your property falls in a conservation area.

If your home or building is listed as a heritage site on the State Heritage List.

If your property is located on or near a contaminated land site.

If your property is on or near an area prone to bushfires.

If your property is located in an area where road widening is being planned or undertaken.

If your property is located in an area prone to flooding.

Always Check With Your Local Council Before Undertaking Construction and Renovation Work


Many homeowners assume that all local councils follow the same regulations. This could not be further from the truth. The fact is that every local council has their own rules, so you should always check before undertaking any construction or renovation work on your fixer upper. If your proposed renovation work doesn’t fall into the exempt category, you may need to submit an application to your local council. Depending on their specific policies, your council will review and make a decision on your application. You will find application forms on your council website. Find your local council on the government website to begin the application process.


If you’re planning on undertaking construction and renovation projects in your home, make sure you know your local NSW Council regulations to avoid expensive fines later.