Pre-purchase Inspection Reports

Inspection reports are essential before finalizing the sale or exchanging contracts for a home. They help identify potential problems that could impact the property's price and condition over time.

You can arrange these inspections independently or through your conveyancer. When requesting a contract of sale, the agent is obligated to disclose any existing property inspection reports.

The purpose of these reports is to uncover significant building defects in various areas such as the roof, walls, underfloor spaces, and both inside and outside the building.

It's advisable to hire an independent professional—like a licensed builder, surveyor, or architect—rather than one recommended by the seller. This ensures you receive unbiased advice. Moreover, professionals adhere to Australian Standards for report format and content.

By prioritizing these inspection reports, you can make informed decisions about purchasing a property, mitigating potential risks, and ensuring transparency throughout the buying process.