
History of Watsons Bay, Sydney

History of Watsons Bay, Sydney

Watsons Bay is a picturesque gem steeped in history and natural beauty. From its Indigenous roots to its colonial heritage and modern-day allure, this coastal suburb offers a fascinating journey through time.

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Essential Guide to Maintaining Your Conduction Cooktop

Essential Guide to Maintaining Your Conduction Cooktop

Conduction cooktops have become increasingly popular in modern kitchens due to their sleek design, energy efficiency, and precise cooking capabilities. Unlike traditional gas or electric stoves, conduction cooktops utilize electromagnetic technology to heat pots and pans directly, resulting in faster cooking times and improved heat distribution.

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Signing a lease in NSW

Signing a lease in NSW

Signing a lease agreement is a significant step in securing a rental property in New South Wales (NSW). It's essential to understand your rights as a tenant and familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions outlined in the lease before signing on the dotted line. In this blog post, we'll delve into the key aspects of signing a lease in NSW, including your rights, what to expect when signing the lease, and what the lease includes.

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Youth Disability Supplement: Eligibility, Application, and Payment Details

Youth Disability Supplement: Eligibility, Application, and Payment Details

The Youth Disability Supplement is a valuable financial assistance program available to eligible individuals under the age of 22 who have a disability or illness that affects their ability to work.

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Getting help with rental disputes

Getting help with rental disputes

Navigating the rental market can be complex, but you don't have to do it alone. In New South Wales (NSW), several support services are available to tenants, offering free and independent information, advice, and advocacy. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the key tenancy support services available in NSW and how they can assist you.

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Guide to Sydney's Iconic Bondi

Guide to Sydney's Iconic Bondi

Bondi Beach, with its golden sands, waves, and atmosphere, is not only a haven for surfers and sun-seekers but also a culinary hotspot offering a diverse array of dining options. In this blog post, we'll take you on a gastronomic journey through Bondi Beach, highlighting some must-visit restaurants and foodie hotspots.

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Cleaning with Baking Soda

Cleaning with Baking Soda

A clean and sparkling sink not only enhances the appearance of your kitchen or bathroom but also promotes hygiene and sanitation. While there are countless commercial cleaners available, many of them contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful to both your health and the environment

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Gardening 101

Gardening 101

Gardening is not just a hobby; it's a therapeutic, fulfilling, and rewarding activity that connects us with nature. Gardening is accessible to everyone. If you're new to gardening and eager to get started, this beginner's guide will provide you with the basics to kickstart your gardening journey.

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Dealing with Misbehaving Animals: A Guide to Reporting and Resolving Issues

Dealing with Misbehaving Animals: A Guide to Reporting and Resolving Issues

Living in a neighbourhood with misbehaving animals can be frustrating and even dangerous at times. Whether it's incessant barking, garden destruction, or aggressive behaviour, addressing these issues is crucial for maintaining a safe and peaceful community. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to report and resolve problems caused by badly behaving animals.

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7 Effective Ways to Reduce Mould in Your House During the Rainy Season

7 Effective Ways to Reduce Mould in Your House During the Rainy Season

The rainy season brings lush greenery and cozy indoor days, and, unfortunately, mould thrives in damp, humid environments, making your house susceptible during this time of year.

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NSW Gas Rebate: Assisting Concession Card Holders with Gas Bills

NSW Gas Rebate: Assisting Concession Card Holders with Gas Bills

For many households in New South Wales (NSW), managing gas bills can pose a significant financial challenge. To provide support to eligible concession card holders, the NSW Gas Rebate offers relief for natural gas or bottled Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) expenses.

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Serving Notice to Tenants

Serving Notice to Tenants

Properly serving notices to tenants or landlords is a critical aspect of property management, ensuring that all parties are informed and their rights are respected. Here's a breakdown of how to serve notice, the proof of service required, and the different notice periods depending on the circumstances

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Rights and Responsibilities During Natural Disasters

Rights and Responsibilities During Natural Disasters

In the unfortunate event of a natural disaster such as a flood, bushfire, or storm affecting a rental property, both tenants and landlords have specific rights and responsibilities to consider

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Tenant Responsibilities Regarding Damage

Tenant Responsibilities Regarding Damage

Tenants must maintain the property in good condition and refrain from causing or allowing damage, whether intentional or through negligence. This includes damage caused by other occupants or invited guests. If damage occurs due to tenant actions, the landlord or agent has the right to request the tenant to repair the damage or cover the costs if the landlord or agent carries out repairs

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Tenant's Rights Regarding Urgent Repairs

Tenant's Rights Regarding Urgent Repairs

In situations where urgent repairs are necessary, tenants have rights and options to ensure prompt resolution and reimbursement if the landlord fails to act. Here's what tenants can do

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Rental Property Maintenance: Understanding Responsibilities and Urgent Repairs

Rental Property Maintenance: Understanding Responsibilities and Urgent Repairs

When renting a property, it's crucial to understand the responsibilities of both landlords and tenants regarding repairs, maintenance, and damage. This ensures a harmonious tenancy and a safe living environment. In this guide, we'll explore the general information about property maintenance, tenant responsibilities, and what constitutes urgent repairs in a rental property.

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Pest Control in Your Home

Pest Control in Your Home

Pests are unwelcome guests that can disrupt the tranquillity of our homes and pose health risks. From rodents and insects to termites and cockroaches, these nuisances can quickly become a major problem if not addressed promptly. In this blog, we'll explore effective strategies for controlling pests in your home, helping you maintain a clean and healthy living environment.

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 Sydney’s Top Outdoor Gyms

Sydney’s Top Outdoor Gyms

If you're tired of the same old gym routine and craving a breath of fresh air while breaking a sweat, Sydney's outdoor gyms are the perfect solution. Offering stunning views and a variety of exercise equipment, these fitness havens cater to everyone from city commuters to beach lovers.

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The Tale of Bondi Beach

The Tale of Bondi Beach

Nestled along the shores of Sydney, Bondi Beach stands as an iconic symbol of Australia's coastal beauty. Its sandy shores and rolling waves have become synonymous with the laid-back Aussie lifestyle. In this short blog, we'll take a brief journey through the fascinating story of Bondi Beach.

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How do I clean my carpet?

How do I clean my carpet?

Ensuring your carpets remain clean and fresh involves a combination of regular vacuuming, strategic stain treatment, and a touch of baking soda magic. Follow these steps to execute a thorough routine carpet cleaning.

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Noise Issues in Sydney

Noise Issues in Sydney

Addressing noise concerns in a community is essential for fostering peaceful coexistence. Whether it's a residential or commercial setting, the City of Sydney encourages proactive communication and provides avenues for resolution. Here's a step-by-step guide on what you can do to resolve noise problems in your neighborhood.

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Landlord Access in a Rented Property

Landlord Access in a Rented Property

Tenants have the right to peace, comfort, and privacy when renting a property. Laws regulate when and how often landlords, agents, or authorized individuals can enter a rented property. In most situations, a landlord, agent, or their representative can only enter without the tenant's permission if they provide prior notice.

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Sharing a leased home

Sharing a leased home

Sharing a rented home can take various forms, each with its specific requirements:

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Making changes to a rental property

Making changes to a rental property

Tenants often wonder about the possibilities of personalizing their space. Can you make changes to your leased residence? The answer lies in a balance between tenant desires and landlord guidelines.

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Murray Property: Your Reliable Partner in Paddington's Real Estate Scene

Murray Property: Your Reliable Partner in Paddington's Real Estate Scene

In Paddington, Sydney, having a trustworthy real estate agent matters. At Murray Property, led by our Founder and Director Manager, Michael Murray, we're all about making property management and renting as hassle-free as possible. We're all about keeping things simple so that you can enjoy your rental without any added stress.

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Obtaining Your Bond at Lease End, Quick Guide

Obtaining Your Bond at Lease End, Quick Guide

When your lease concludes, reclaiming your bond involves several steps and considerations

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Lease Termination and Notices

Lease Termination and Notices

Terminating a lease can be initiated by either you or your landlord. It's crucial to understand the required notice periods, your rights as a tenant, and the potential costs involved in ending a lease prematurely.

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Strata Renovation Regulations

Strata Renovation Regulations

In the world of strata properties, renovating your space is an exciting opportunity to personalize your home. However, it's vital to understand the rules governing renovations to avoid complications or unexpected costs. Here's a breakdown of the key information you should know before embarking on any changes.

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Who can make a domestic violence declaration?

Who can make a domestic violence declaration?

Historically, only registered medical practitioners held the authority to complete domestic violence declarations. However, as of December 11, 2020, a pivotal change has broadened the scope of individuals empowered to provide such declarations. This development is significant in facilitating a more comprehensive support system for victims of domestic violence, acknowledging the diverse range of professionals who can play a crucial role in this context.

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Water, electricity and gas in rental properties a tenant's guide

Water, electricity and gas in rental properties a tenant's guide

Understanding the responsibilities and costs associated with utilities is crucial for tenants. In most cases, tenants are responsible for paying utility bills if the property is 'separately metered.' Here's a comprehensive guide to help tenants navigate utility-related decisions and costs.

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Tenant Rights: Entry Guidelines for Landlords and Agents

Tenant Rights: Entry Guidelines for Landlords and Agents

When it comes to renting, tenants are entitled to reasonable peace, comfort, and privacy. The law imposes restrictions on how and when landlords, agents, or their representatives can enter a rented property. Here's a breakdown of the rules to ensure both landlords' interests and tenants' rights are respected.

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Disclosures of Every Tenant Needs Before Signing a Lease Agreement in New South Wales

Disclosures of Every Tenant Needs Before Signing a Lease Agreement in New South Wales

Before putting pen to paper on a tenancy agreement in New South Wales, tenants need to be fully informed about the property they're considering. Landlords and agents have a legal obligation to provide certain information to potential tenants to ensure transparency and a smooth renting experience.

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Procedures for Modifying Your Rental Property or Requesting Repairs

Procedures for Modifying Your Rental Property or Requesting Repairs

As a tenant, it's essential to be aware of both your rights and responsibilities when it comes to the property you are renting. Your landlord or agent has certain obligations, and you, as a tenant, also bear certain responsibilities. Here's a breakdown of what you should know:

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Swimming Pool Regulations NSW

Swimming Pool Regulations NSW

The stipulations outlined in the Swimming Pools Act of 1992 to swimming and spa pools situated on properties that feature residential buildings, movable dwellings, or accommodations intended for tourists and visitors.

These legal provisions are pertinent to your situation if you own a property furnished with a swimming pool or spa pool.

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Terminating a Rental Agreement

Terminating a Rental Agreement

A tenancy agreement forms a legally binding contract that can only be terminated through specific procedures. Typically, termination occurs when either the landlord or tenant serves a notice to the other party, and the tenant vacates the property as per the specified date in the notice.
This notice must be provided in writing, and the duration of the notice period depends on the type of agreement (fixed-term or periodic) and the reasons for termination. The notice periods are designed to give both tenants and landlords sufficient time to secure alternative arrangements.
In some cases, the landlord or tenant may seek a termination order directly from the Tribunal without the need for prior notice. This option is available in certain circumstances, but it's essential to follow the legal procedures.

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Resolving disputes through the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal

Resolving disputes through the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal

The NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal, often referred to as "the Tribunal," serves as an impartial entity responsible for hearing and adjudicating on various applications, particularly those submitted by tenants and landlords. If you find yourself in a situation where:

1. Mutual agreement remains elusive through Fair Trading's mediation efforts,
2. You seek a termination order, or
3. Your specific complaint falls outside the scope of matters handled by Fair Trading.

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Pet Ownership in Strata: Your Rights and Responsibilities

Pet Ownership in Strata: Your Rights and Responsibilities

If you're considering bringing a furry friend into your life while living in a strata property, it's essential to understand the rules and guidelines that govern pet ownership. Here's everything you need to know about pets in strata, from your rights to what to do if issues arise:

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Breaking Lease Fees in New South Wales- The Legal Process

Breaking Lease Fees in New South Wales- The Legal Process

During the process of breaking a lease in NSW, there are many factors you need to consider. One of them is the cost. The costs of breaking a lease in NSW can be quite high. This is because it is a legal process and the repercussions of breaking a lease can affect future rental prospects.

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What Can New South Wales Property Owners Expect in 2023?

What Can New South Wales Property Owners Expect in 2023?

During the last three years, the prices of properties in New South Wales have risen, and this trend may continue to grow. In addition, there are signs that consumer sentiment in this state is declining, which can affect property management businesses in the state.Consumer sentiment is down in NSW and Victoria

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The Importance of Having Professional Photos and Videos When Advertising Your Property in Sydney

The Importance of Having Professional Photos and Videos When Advertising Your Property in Sydney

As a property owner in Sydney, you want to showcase your property in the best light possible to attract as many potential buyers or renters as possible.

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Renting Your First Home in Sydney, Australia

A Step-by-Step Guide to Renting Your First Home in Sydney, Australia

Congratulations on taking the first step toward finding your dream home! Renting your first home can be an exciting but overwhelming experience, especially if you’re new to the process. This guide will help you understand the essential aspects of renting a home, including residential tenancy agreements, bonds, and condition reports.

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Should You Live in a Top Floor or Ground Floor Apartment?

Should You Live in a Top Floor or Ground Floor Apartment?

Trying to decide whether you want to live on the top floor or the ground floor seems to be a tough decision, especially when you are in the hustle of getting a rental property. With the current market and the few properties available, you may not have time to consider all the pros and cons. Fortunately, we have a brief list to help you make the decision.

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Benefits of Using a Property Management Company

Benefits of Using a Property Management Company

Using a property management company will help you get better returns on your investment property. Professional property managers have a deep understanding of the market and know how to screen tenants for income and responsibility. They can also help you avoid potential troublemakers. Using a property management company can also increase the value of your property.

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5 Tips To Negotiate A Longer Lease For An Eastern Suburbs Unit

5 Tips To Negotiate A Longer Lease For An Eastern Suburbs Unit

With the Eastern Suburbs in great demand, negotiating a longer lease can help you secure a property for longer. This post shows you how you can maximise your chance of getting a long-lease Eastern suburbs unit. You won’t have to stress about constant moves any longer.

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5 Tips To Prepare A Persuasive Rental Application

5 Tips To Prepare A Persuasive Rental Application

Showing up to a home inspection with at least seventy other people means you can’t afford to be careless with your rental application. Agents need to make quick decisions for choosing between tenants. You can make the process a whole lot simpler by following these tips to prepare a persuasive application to win you the rental property that is on the top of your list.

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4 Golden Rules to Securing an Eastern Suburbs Rental Apartment

4 Golden Rules to Securing an Eastern Suburbs Rental Apartment

Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs continue to remain popular with renters for the numerous lifestyle opportunities they provide. From pristine beaches and waterfront views to trendy cafes, everyone wants a slice of the pie. With eager tenants looking for prized addresses quickly lapping up Eastern suburb properties, it can be hard to get in on the action yourself. Follow these golden rules to improve your chances of securing that coveted Eastern suburbs rental apartment.

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Is It Tough To Secure A Rental Property When You Have Kids?

Is It Tough To Secure A Rental Property When You Have Kids?

With ever growing rental competition, families with young kids can sometimes find it harder to secure a property to rent. Here’s why! Small changes to your apartment search can help you turn the tide in your favour, but you’ve got to be prepared to do the work.

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4 Nifty Ways To Turn Into A Highly Desirable Tenant

4 Nifty Ways To Turn Into A Highly Desirable Tenant

Looking for rental housing can be stressful in a highly competitive market in Sydney. You have to battle with a myriad of other tenants to emerge as the most successful for a property. Finding smart ways to stand out from your competition will help you in your quest to secure your coveted rental property. Since landlords and property managers don’t have the time to get to know every applicant, follow these nifty tips to position yourself as a highly desirable tenant.

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How Landlords Can Legally Issue An Early Termination Notice in NSW

How Landlords Can Legally Issue An Early Termination Notice in NSW

Most tenancy agreements are usually six-monthly or annually based on the agreement between a tenant and landlord. But a landlord can terminate a tenancy agreement legally when tenants breach agreed-upon terms. Landlords may choose to terminate tenancy contracts early for any of these reasons:

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4 Things Every Tenant Needs To Tell Their Landlord

4 Things Every Tenant Needs To Tell Their Landlord

If you’re renting a home, there are certain things that you need to keep your landlord informed about. This guide is designed to help you with things you need to tell your landlord or managing agent because you may need their approval to avoid breaching your contract.

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Understanding Strata Real Estate

Understanding Strata Real Estate

If you’re looking to buy property in Australia, you should become familiar with Stratas, especially if you have apartments in mind. While this has become an accepted real estate option in Australia and several other places, most people don’t have a working knowledge of what a Strata entails.

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4 Nifty Strategies To Pay Less Rent In Sydney

4 Nifty Strategies To Pay Less Rent In Sydney

With the average rent in Sydney perched around $600 per week, it’s no wonder that rents in the city are the highest in the country. Perhaps you’re saving up for a home or simply don’t make enough to afford the high rents – either way you need to find a place to live when you work in the city. This guide equips you with nifty strategies to pay less rent in Sydney.

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5 Golden Rules For Choosing A Rental Home

5 Golden Rules For Choosing A Rental Home

Looking for a good rental home can be overwhelming because it isn’t easy to find one that meets all your needs and expectations – so you’ll probably have to settle for something that comes close. There’s not much scope for you to modify a rental home, so you’ll need to ensure that the existing offering fits into your lifestyle. Follow these golden rules for choosing a rental home that meets your needs perfectly.

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Is the Sydney Real Estate Market Moving Towards Apartment Living?

Is the Sydney Real Estate Market Moving Towards Apartment Living?

The Sydney real estate market is becoming comparable to London and New York, where apartment living is the accepted norm. Home ownership is becoming difficult for the majority of city residents unless buyers are prepared to consider regional towns and suburbs surrounding the city.

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Top 10 Affordable Sydney Rental Suburbs in 2016

Top 10 Affordable Sydney Rental Suburbs in 2016

Sydney’s rental market is one of the highest in the country, but certain pockets are making it easy for tenants to find affordable homes. This guide is designed to help renters identify the top 10 affordable Sydney rental suburbs in 2016.

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5 Sydney Hotspots For Working Professionals

5 Sydney Hotspots For Working Professionals

Tailor made for professionals working in bustling cities, apartment complexes present a flawless living solution that enables people to avoid distant commutes by living close to their workplace. With an ever-growing workforce and high real estate prices, apartment living in Sydney has soared in popularity. Here are some Sydney hotspots that are popular with working professionals.

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How To Secure A Rental Property When You Have Pets

How To Secure A Rental Property When You Have Pets

Pet owners often find it challenging to secure a great rental property where their pets are welcome. While getting a pet-friendly rental property can sometimes be daunting, follow these smart tips and tricks to help you find a great rental property when you have pets.

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5 Sydney Suburbs With Amazing Sporting Facilities

5 Sydney Suburbs With Amazing Sporting Facilities

Sydney is an incredibly vibrant city with lots of buzz and activity throughout the year. If you’re the sporting type or are keen for your kids to get into sport-related activities, you’ll want to live in a suburb with good access to great sports facilities. Here are 5 Sydney suburbs with some amazing sporting facilities.

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5 Smart Storage Ideas For Rental Homes

5 Smart Storage Ideas For Rental Homes

If you live in a rental property, making permanent changes may not be practically possible to increase your storage space. Renting a home means you’re likely to make a move in the near future, so it’s preferable that you look for more innovative solutions to increase storage in your home – to have a clutter-free space without too much effort and expense. You need to get creative – else you will find yourself either getting rid of your precious accessories or piling them in a corner. Here are a few way easy and inexpensive storage ideas for your rental home.

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5 Checkpoints Before Signing A Lease Agreement

5 Checkpoints Before Signing A Lease Agreement

You’ve just found an amazing property and you’re excited to move in as soon as possible, but there’s that little niggle to take care of before you do that − the lease agreement. The lease agreement is a binding contract between the owner and landlord that stipulates the rules of the lease duration. Naturally, you wouldn’t want the raw end of the deal. Here are 5 checkpoints for every tenant to consider before signing a lease agreement.

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Uncovering The Most Expensive Sydney Rental Suburbs

Uncovering The Most Expensive Sydney Rental Suburbs

The property market in Australia is not for the faint-hearted with soaring real estate prices across the country. As of January 2015, the top suburbs with the highest median rent were located in and around Sydney – as per a statistics study from CoreLogic RP Data. Here we uncover the topmost expensive Sydney rental suburbs.

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5 Valuable Tips To Attain A Rental Home In Sydney

5 Valuable Tips To Attain A Rental Home In Sydney

With a booming service industry, it’s no wonder that young professionals are migrating to Australia’s most vibrant city – Sydney. With real estate prices soaring every year, many young professionals prefer renting over buying – especially those that have just begun their professional careers. With so much demand, attaining your desired rental home may prove to be quite a tedious task. Equip yourself with these valuable tips to secure a good rental home in Sydney.

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Tips On Applying For A Rental Property

Tips On Applying For A Rental Property

Once you have found a rental property of interest, the first step is to contact the leasing agent and organise to inspect the property at the first available time. It will be ideal if you can arrange a private appointment prior to an open home inspection.

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